Welcome to Olympic Pistol, the site for competitive sport pistol shooters that want to progress on their path to mastery through training and competition.
There are a lot of pistol resources here and the content keeps on growing. Use these links to find your way.

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* To access the supporter exclusive posts (like the training plans) you have to become a supporter. This way you help me dedicate all my time to Olympic Pistol and shooting (ammo, training, competitions, books…) to that I can develop and share more helpful content with you.
These are the two options available to support Olympic Pistol:

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More information and highlights are shared more or less monthly via our mailing list with over 2000 shooters. By signing up to the newsletter you get over 20 free pistol resource PDF downloads.
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Latest articles
These are the most recent posts published on Olympic Pistol:
- 7 Pistol Shooting Errors and Fixes
- My Shooting Digest Cheat Sheet: How I shoot Every Precision and Rapid Fire Pistol Discipline
- After Winter Break Pre National Championship Training Plan 2023: 10m Air Pistol and Standard Pistol MOP Group Training
- My Pistol Training and Shooting Goals for 2023
- 3rd Pre Competition 10m + 25m Pistol MOP Training Plan
- 2nd Pre Competition 25m Pistol MOP Training Plan
- Pre Competition 25m Pistol & 10m Air Pistol MOP Training Plan
Social media and Videos
I share a lot of short bits and interesting information I find through social media, and you can reach out for me there too:
- YouTube
- Pinterest: Air PIstol, ISSF Olympic Pistol Shooting, Pistol Shooting Workouts, Pistol Shooter Stretching, Pistol Shooter Anatomy, Gunsmithing & DIY …
If you like what I’m sharing and think it is useful become a supporter to keep the content coming and access exclusive benefits.
This site is the work of Ramon Suarez, a sport pistol shooter that can’t get enough of it and wants to promote this beautiful sport to help others progress in the art of the pistol.

Olympic Pistol is focused on the ISSF pistol disciplines (Olympic or not) and its content should be useful for other pistol disciplines and federations.
This is my air pistol range: