This is the first in a series of four full day MOP team group training plans with coach Daniel Goberville to prepare the French 25m Pistol national championships. Air pistol training is also included to keep the skill and to improve for all other pistol shooting.
Tag Archives: Aurore Goberville
Pre Competition French Nationals Training Plan For 10m Precision & Standard Air Pistol
To prepare next week’s French National Championship air pistol competition, Daniel brought in the MOP team for a full day to finish up our training. We trained for both precision and standard air pistol, and did a very interesting session to help us deal with the pressure and have sensible goals.
Journaling, building habits, and setting training and practice objectives
It’s been a while since the last update on how I’m progressing. This is what has changed and improved since then.
Safe Place Meditation Technique for Target Pistol Shooters
After the cardiac coherence (CC in my shooting journals) exercise that I learned from Aurore Goberville, here’s another mental technique for target pistol shooters: the safe place meditation (noted as SP in my journals).
Trigger Decision Group Training (Technical, Mental, Physical)
Last Monday we finally had a group training with the Mental-Objectif-Perf (MOP) group of shooters under the direction of Daniel & Aurore Goberville. It happened right after an MOP competition the day before where other shooters and I had trouble with starting too slow and having issues with trigger decision and execution. So the training focused on the trigger.
Level 2 Core, Balance, Proprioception, & Back Workouts for Pistol Shooters
A lot of core reinforcement for better balance and more demanding physical exercises to improve strength and stamina.
Cardiac Coherence Exercise for Shooters
The objective of doing cardiac coherence exercises is to reduce heart rate variability in order to relax, reduce anxiety, concentrate better, and to give more clarity to your brain. Sounds like something that can be useful during a match?
Weekly Starter: 4 Workouts for Pistol Shooters
A five day a week core physical training programme for shooters to improve balance and proprioception.
Training Notes (With Aurore & Daniel Goberville): Trigger Apocalypse
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