Keys to understand trainings and journal entries

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20200116 Training & SCATT

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Launch of the Olympic Pistol Patreon

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Dry Fire and Holds Pistol Training To Build Strength and Sensations

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First time over 560 :)

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After Vacation Break Training (Get Back To Work!)

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Level 2 Core, Balance, Proprioception, & Back Workouts for Pistol Shooters

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Listen to the Impact (Trigger Pistol Training Programme)

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Psicología deportiva aplicada al tiro olímpico

Presentación de Héctor Montalvo Angulo (entrenador nacional nivel 1 de pistola olímpica). Hay mucho que aprender y que poner en práctica (¡vienen muchos ejercicios!). Merece la pena leer esta presentación, tomar notas y ponerse manos a la obra.