Meyton Electronic Target Remote Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet to manage the Meyton Elektronic target while training or competing without fear of messing up.

How to Click a Pistol: ISSF Windage and Elevation Sighting Instructions

Don’t be afraid to click. Changes in lighting, contrast, and your own body mean that you will be clicking not only when you change ranges, but also as a match or training session progress. There’s no such thing as a “zero” or perfect sight alignment for pistol shooting. The point of impact with the exact same pistol and settings will change from shooter to shooter, as we all size differently and the relationship of our eyes, body, and sights change from person to person.

Feinwerkbau P8X Air Pistol Review

To start my series of pistol reviews I thought that beginning with my current pistols would be the best, and the first one has to be (spoiler alert!) my latest love and the one I spend more time with: the Feinwerkbau P8X 10m air pistol. As this is my first review I would really appreciate …

Standard Air Pistol Timing & Trigger Training Plans

These are two standard air pistol training plans that I created myself while working with Philippe Stiel. He was more keen than other coaches on me choosing my own exercises, to which he would add helpful remarks.

Pre Competition French Nationals Training Plan For 10m Precision & Standard Air Pistol

To prepare next week’s French National Championship air pistol competition, Daniel brought in the MOP team for a full day to finish up our training. We trained for both precision and standard air pistol, and did a very interesting session to help us deal with the pressure and have sensible goals.

My First Training With Philippe Stiel

These are the notes from my first ever training session with Philippe Stiel, former coach of the Belgian pistol national team. He’s the only ISSF pistol coach I found in Belgium and the commute to the training range was manageable with a new born and a small kid at home. Working with Philippe was great and it also gave me the opportunity to meet the friendly people at the CCAT range.

Precision & Standard Air Pistol Training Plan

This is the last of my training plans with Santiago G贸mez Salgado so far. He sent it after my qualification for the regional championships and keeps in mind that my focus is in precision 10m air pistol but that I was also participating in rapid fire events. It is a two week work plan for home and the range.

Standard 10m Air Pistol Instructions

After sharing his rapid fire pistol instructions, coach Santiago G贸mez Salgado dives sent me these training notes to help me in my progress to the standard 10m air pistol Belgian national finals, as I was facing the regional classification match (spoiler: I got into the nationals).

Initiation to Rapid Fire Pistol by Coach Santiago G贸mez Salgado

ts different events for 25 and 10m (if you are curious about the air pistol events, check out the rules). I got to the Belgian national finals with his advice and a little bit of practice 馃檪