ISSF Rules for 10m Five-shot Air Pistol

This is a transcript of the ISSF’s rules for 10m five shot air pistol that can be found in their website as a downloadable PDF under Sports for all. I’ve taken the liberty of publishing them here so that they are easier to find and to use from our mobile phones.

Recommendations for New Air Pistol Shooters by Coach Santiago Gómez Salgado

After getting Santiago’s last training plan and working on it for a couple weeks we had a call to discuss some basic recommendations to improve my technique as a new shooter (this was back in 2017). This is what he proposed:

Two Week Pistol Training Plan To Improve Shoulder, Balance, Hold, and Trigger Execution

The next training plan from Santiago Gómez Salgado was done after using the prior pistol training and spending three days training on site with him in Spain. These are the main areas he identified I had to work on:

SCATT MX-W2 Wireless & Android SCATT Expert Review

A review and guide to SCATT’s MX-W2 Wi-Fi sensor and their new SCATT expert mobile app for Android and iOS.

10m Air Pistol General Training Plan

I’ve already shared the first 10m air pistol plan I received from Santiago López Salgado, the first pistol coach I managed to get a hold of. I’m going to share all of the training plans that I got from him here, and I think that these notes he sent me can help you understand…

Top Target System Electronic Target Review

I discovered the Top Target System electronic targets thanks to one of my patrons, Emmanuel Poichotte, who has one at home and thought it would be interesting to talk about this little known French target manufacturer and add it to our list of electronic target reviews. This is a great target to consider if you …

Inband Air Electronic Target Review

During these times of hardship with the coronavirus lock downs and the ranges closed, a lot of shooters are looking into setting up ranges at home to keep on practicing and also to complement the opening days of their clubs in order to be able to train when they can independently of opening hours. Most …

Céline Goberville: “Sé creativo con el tiro”

Céline ha sido una de las principales tiradoras de habla francesa que admiro. De hecho, ¡admiro a toda su familia!, pero comenzó con ella. Me siento impresionado con su capacidad de lucha, cuando las cosas empiezan a ir mal, ella se fortalece y de alguna manera, logra treparse a lo más alto. Tendrías que ver …

SOLVED: Feinwerkbau P8X Won’t Cock After Transport / Storage

Full review of the Feinwerkbau P8X Yesterday I got a bit scared when I was going to do some training at home and my Feinwerkbau P8X air pistol refused to cock. I’m going to the RIAC competition in Luxembourg next week, stress! Luckily with the help of the Fein team and pistol shooters contacted …