Defusion Techniques for Pistol Shooters

One of the helpful techniques I’ve learned with Paul Hughes’ 4R mental training course (interview here) is the defusion technique from ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy). When we are shooting (and in many other areas of life) we are going to have thoughts and emotions we cannot control, they just pop up and start playing with our minds. What we can do (this is the core of ACT defusion) is change how we relate to them, so that we can reduce their impact.

This has been a life saver.

Online Shooting Competitions (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, and Archery)

With the Coronavirus crisis there’s a renewed interest in pistol postal matches and new forms of online competitions are coming up. I’ve collected a few links with the help of readers that I hope are helpful for you to participate and share with other shooters. A lot are for air pistol (AP) only, which is …

Do Hard Things: Practical Toughness & Resilience With Steve Magness

Do you fit the topical image of what toughness should look like? You and I are not alone in not fitting it. Luckily for us Steve Magness comes to the rescue with science in his new book Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness (all links to Amazon in this article are affiliate links). I have bought the book as soon as it was available to pre-order and responded to one of Steve’s emails proposing an interview for all of us sport shooters that have to face the difficulties of our sport in competition and training, to take on our difficult challenges without falling into the fake toughness trap.

TrainingsBuddy Review: Exercises to Spice up Your Air Pistol Training

Did you ever want to have a set of exercises to do at training that would add variation, challenge and motivation? The moment I saw the TrainingsBuddy I immediately thought it could be the answer to this but had to wait a bit for the pistol version to come out. Thanks to authors Bernhard Pickl and Lisa Haensch, I’ve received an air pistol TrainingsBuddy to review and train with, and it is what I expected 🙂

Mental Training Program for Sport Shooters: Paul Hugues’ 4R Method (Shooting Mindset Academy) Review

I’m a lucky shooter. Thanks to my constant search for knowledge to improve my shooting skills I discovered Paul Hughes on Instagram. His posts spoke to my shooting mind that wanted to improve its own mental game. Paul kindly let me into his course as soon as he launched it and I’ve never looked back (DISCOUNT INCLUDED).

SCATT Expert Review & Comparison to SCATT Professional

I’ve recently gotten a hold on a SCATT MX-02 for my pistol training, which has allowed me to use it both with the SCATT Expert and Professional (Pro) apps (you can download them both free here). Making this post came to mind because until now I’ve been using the Pro version with my SCATT USB …

Rafael Sánchez López: “When you enter a nervousness loop the best you can do is stop and rest”

I’ve had the luck of meeting Rafael Sánchez López and competing with him thanks to the online shooting leagues that have flourished during the coronavirus crisis. His targets are the stuff of dreams… Multiple times Spanish champion in 10 m air pistol, he can be found in international competitions like the World Championship and Cups, and he’s also preparing his next Olympic games.

Meyton Electronic Target Remote Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet to manage the Meyton Elektronic target while training or competing without fear of messing up.

How to Click a Pistol: ISSF Windage and Elevation Sighting Instructions

Don’t be afraid to click. Changes in lighting, contrast, and your own body mean that you will be clicking not only when you change ranges, but also as a match or training session progress. There’s no such thing as a “zero” or perfect sight alignment for pistol shooting. The point of impact with the exact same pistol and settings will change from shooter to shooter, as we all size differently and the relationship of our eyes, body, and sights change from person to person.