My Biggest Precision Pistol Mistake of 2018: Expectations

2018 has been an interesting year where I’ve improved a lot the basics of precision pistol shooting. My shooting routine, grip, hold, stance, and trigger have improved but this has not translated in the scores I thought I should have in competition. That’s where the problem lays, in the should. Because I thought I should already be …

Broken Steyr Pistol Blues Play the video to have the proper soundtrack to the post (just the guitar, I can’t understand what he says) 🙂  If you follow the Twitter and Facebook accounts of Olympic Pistol you know my troubles: my Steyr pistol is broken. The worst of it is that it is broken because of a check-up …

Shooting Glasses Paradise in Belgium: Optiek Van Gorp

After a lot of searching through the internet and in Belgium, I found my thrill at Optiek Van Gorp, where I could see and try shooting glasses from all major manufacturers (Knobloch, Pilla, Champion, Jäggi Nova, MEC). I ended up buying …

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Moving to a new platform, please update your feed to to see the new posts. The old feed was

Personnalisation de crosses de pistolet à Bruxelles par Sander Nooij (5-9 septembre 2018)

Événement annulé à cause d’un empêchement. On travaille sur la prochaine date (en principe pour novembre) Une opportunité unique de courte durée arrive pour tous les tireurs désirant venir à Bruxelles pour avoir leurs poignées olympiques personnalisées. J’ai convaincu Sander Nooij (champion de pistolet néerlandais et maître ébéniste ) de venir à Bruxelles pour passer …

Pistol Grip Customization in Brussels by Sander Nooij (September 5/9 2018)

Event cancelled due to unforeseen personal reasons. Working on rescheduling (probably for november) A unique short time opportunity is coming for all shooters willing to come to Brussels to have their Olympic pistol grips customized for their hands. I’ve convinced Sander Nooij (Dutch pistol champion and master woodworker) to come to Brussels and spend a …


DO NOT TRUST YOUR GUN TO REFLEX SHOOTING >> They broke my air gun while doing a yearly checkup. They charged me €65 for “greasing the o rings” but my gun is no longer working. They do not own their mistake, fix it or reimburse. In fact they won’t even send the tax bill for …

Summary of the book “The Psyche of the Shot: Sport Psychology and Competition”

Download PDF and ebook formats (Mobi, EPUB ) A Must Read Book The Psyche of the Shot: Sport Psychology and Competition is a great book to buy and read in English or German that can help improve your shooting performance. If you want to improve your mental game you must read it. The authors (Heinz …

Psychologie du tir: résumé du livre “The Psyche of the Shot, Sport Psychology and Competition” en français

Téléchargez en formats PDF et ebook (Mobi, EPUB) Un livre à lire absolument La psychologie du tir est un superbe livre à acheter et à lire enAnglais ou Allemand qui peut aider à améliorer sa performance. Les auteurs sont des entraîneurs des champions olympiques et ils sont mondialement reconnus. Ceci n’est qu’un résumée pratique qui a pour …