Not What It Seems

You think this is a good string? It is not what it seems…

Improved Hold, Trigger Comes Next

I shot my control match this morning and it went well. The bad start did not change my attitude and the results show that I have improved my hold and follow through. Coming next week is a lot of trigger work…

Steadier, More Focused, Better Sensations

It is still far from top form, but I can feel it coming 🙂 With the new training plan, this week I’ve seen and felt progress in the slowing down of my traces, how I feel and recall the shots, the tightness of aiming, and making the triggering of the shot a non event in itself. Today I shot a competition and it was much better than last week’s competition. This is what I’m doing and learning.

Hold slowing down at last!

Good news! Since the last update my arm has finally started to slow down and yesterday if felt normal 🙂 Scores are not improving much yet, but I can see the spread getting tighter and have felt some really good shots, which helps with visualization.

More Charge, Insight, and Changes

The good thing about having spent more days training since the last update is that everything is getting better. I feel better physically, I’m enjoying training, and the shots themselves are improving. This is what I’ve learned and what I’m going to do next.

Back to Training After the Winter Break

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Too Many Thoughts and Emotions

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Loneliness, Intellect, and the Middle Finger

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Upheaval and Training

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