Hector Montalvo Angulo is a Spanish level 1 national pistol coach that I met thanks to an invitation to participate in an online competition via WhatsApp during the first COVID lockdown. Among the many things that were shared in that group was this conference he gave at the olympic shooting federation of Valentia (Real Federación Valenciana de Tiro Olímpico). As soon as I started reading it I thought that it had to be published and Hector immediately gave permission.
Category Archives: Mental Training
Safe Place Meditation Technique for Target Pistol Shooters
After the cardiac coherence (CC in my shooting journals) exercise that I learned from Aurore Goberville, here’s another mental technique for target pistol shooters: the safe place meditation (noted as SP in my journals).
Alan Goldberg (Dr G): “What We Focus on Is the Central Skill in Developing Mental Toughness”
Alan Goldberg (aka Dr G) is a sports psychology coach that shares a lot of helpful tips and resources through his YouTube and social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter). He has a lot of experience in multiple sports, including target athletes like us pistol shooters, and a didactic passion that transcends his videos and texts. …
Trigger Decision Group Training (Technical, Mental, Physical)
Last Monday we finally had a group training with the Mental-Objectif-Perf (MOP) group of shooters under the direction of Daniel & Aurore Goberville. It happened right after an MOP competition the day before where other shooters and I had trouble with starting too slow and having issues with trigger decision and execution. So the training focused on the trigger.
Mental Training Tips (WIP)
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Psicología deportiva aplicada al tiro olímpico
Presentación de Héctor Montalvo Angulo (entrenador nacional nivel 1 de pistola olímpica). Hay mucho que aprender y que poner en práctica (¡vienen muchos ejercicios!). Merece la pena leer esta presentación, tomar notas y ponerse manos a la obra.
Sensations, Trigger & Coordination Pistol Training Programme
The last training was only in use for one week (it worked well). Daniel has sent a new programme that focuses more on coordination and the sensations of the trigger release, with more visualization drills.
The phrases are based on my weekly conversations with him and come from tactics I implemented myself to improve my attitude and confidence during matches. What is important for me is not so much the phrase in itself but the attitude I use it with, which brings a wave of positivity and confidence.
Grip Hold Training Programme 2: More Coordination and Visualization
Following on the steps and success of the first grip hold training programme which has been in place for one week (4 training days), Daniel sent a new programme that continues the work but shifts the weight to more coordination and other technical aspects (namely trigger release).
Training Programme to Debug Pistol Vertical Spread
A programme to figure out if there is an issue with the vertical spread of the pistol shot group.