In and out Mental Training for Pistol Shooting

Raising the stakes and adding more emotion and demand to training with more contracts.

Cardiac Coherence Exercise for Shooters

The objective of doing cardiac coherence exercises is to reduce heart rate variability in order to relax, reduce anxiety, concentrate better, and to give more clarity to your brain. Sounds like something that can be useful during a match?

Highlights of The Inner Game of Tennis: The Ultimate Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance

This book is not exactly about shooting but it is great for our mental preparation, with plenty of insight that is directly translatable to pistol shooting. My favorite quotes from the book are: 

Training Notes (With Aurore & Daniel Goberville): Trigger Apocalypse

Choose a Supporter plan to access this article and over 100 training plans and posts.To access this article immediately and all the exclusive articles on you must be an Olympic Pistol Supporter at $20 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

New! Shooting Sports Coach Directory

Launch of a shooting sports coach directory already with Olympic level talent in it.

Bullseye Mind: Mental Toughness for Sport Shooting. Highlights, Review & Discount

Bullseye Mind is very helpful and easy to read. It has insight and practical tips, plus some examples that really come in handy. These are my highlights.

My Biggest Precision Pistol Mistake of 2018: Expectations

2018 has been an interesting year where I’ve improved a lot the basics of precision pistol shooting. My shooting routine, grip, hold, stance, and trigger have improved but this has not translated in the scores I thought I should have in competition. That’s where the problem lays, in the should. Because I thought I should already be …

Summary of the book “The Psyche of the Shot: Sport Psychology and Competition”

Download PDF and ebook formats (Mobi, EPUB ) A Must Read Book The Psyche of the Shot: Sport Psychology and Competition is a great book to buy and read in English or German that can help improve your shooting performance. If you want to improve your mental game you must read it. The authors (Heinz …

Psychologie du tir: résumé du livre “The Psyche of the Shot, Sport Psychology and Competition” en français

Téléchargez en formats PDF et ebook (Mobi, EPUB) Un livre à lire absolument La psychologie du tir est un superbe livre à acheter et à lire enAnglais ou Allemand qui peut aider à améliorer sa performance. Les auteurs sont des entraîneurs des champions olympiques et ils sont mondialement reconnus. Ceci n’est qu’un résumée pratique qui a pour …