Rifle and Pistol Target Calculator For Reduced Distances (Height & Size)

Calculate target size and height online or download the target size and height calculator When I train at home I can never have the right distances to set my targets, so I end up shooting much shorter distances. This generates two problems: The angle of my arm is not right, and the size of the …

The brand new Shooting Journal is Available!

Just a quick heads up to let you know that my target shooting journal for pistol and rifle sport shooters is available as a PDF on Gumroad and as a printed paperback on Amazon. More information here 🙂 I hope I will be able to create more useful content like this in the future with …

My Biggest Precision Pistol Mistake of 2018: Expectations

2018 has been an interesting year where I’ve improved a lot the basics of precision pistol shooting. My shooting routine, grip, hold, stance, and trigger have improved but this has not translated in the scores I thought I should have in competition. That’s where the problem lays, in the should. Because I thought I should already be …

Summary of the book “The Psyche of the Shot: Sport Psychology and Competition”

Download PDF and ebook formats (Mobi, EPUB ) A Must Read Book The Psyche of the Shot: Sport Psychology and Competition is a great book to buy and read in English or German that can help improve your shooting performance. If you want to improve your mental game you must read it. The authors (Heinz …

Psychologie du tir: résumé du livre “The Psyche of the Shot, Sport Psychology and Competition” en français

Téléchargez en formats PDF et ebook (Mobi, EPUB) Un livre à lire absolument La psychologie du tir est un superbe livre à acheter et à lire enAnglais ou Allemand qui peut aider à améliorer sa performance. Les auteurs sont des entraîneurs des champions olympiques et ils sont mondialement reconnus. Ceci n’est qu’un résumée pratique qui a pour …

Pistol Stability and Trigger Training Program by Daniel Goberville

After my first training session with Olympic coach Daniel Goberville, he sent me this training program to improve my weaker points: Stability, arm tone and trigger release. He has given me permission to share it with the world with some words of caution: this program has been made for me taking into consideration what he thinks I should focus on right now based on our session and what we talked.

Notes from My First Pistol Training with Daniel Goberville

This year for my birthday I offered myself a training with Daniel Goberville in France, just three hours away from home. He’s the father and trainer of Céline Goberville (#2 in the World Ranking and Olympic silver medalist) and has been in charge of training for the French national team. The session was very interesting and I learned things that should improve my shooting. Just talking with him was a pleasure.

Résumé de mon entrainement avec le préparateur olympique Daniel Goberville

Cette année pour mon anniversaire je me suis offert une séance d’entrainement de pistolet à air (discipline olympique à 10m) avec Daniel Goberville à Creil (France), à peine à trois heures en voiture de chez moi. Il est le papa et préparateur de Céline Goberville (#2 dans le ranking mondial et médaille d’argent dans les …

Rapid Fire Pistol Basics / RFP 101 for 10m Air Pistol and 25m Pistol

Learn the basics of the rapid fire pistol events to improve your technique and performance.