Level 2 Core, Balance, Proprioception, & Back Workouts for Pistol Shooters

A lot of core reinforcement for better balance and more demanding physical exercises to improve strength and stamina.

Listen to the Impact (Trigger Pistol Training Programme)

After my new personal best last week, Daniel Goberville has sent a new programme with a twist in the visualization drill to help me improve the last milliseconds of trigger release. This is done by…

Psicología deportiva aplicada al tiro olímpico

Presentación de Héctor Montalvo Angulo (entrenador nacional nivel 1 de pistola olímpica). Hay mucho que aprender y que poner en práctica (¡vienen muchos ejercicios!). Merece la pena leer esta presentación, tomar notas y ponerse manos a la obra.

Sensations, Trigger & Coordination Pistol Training Programme

The last training was only in use for one week (it worked well). Daniel has sent a new programme that focuses more on coordination and the sensations of the trigger release, with more visualization drills.

The phrases are based on my weekly conversations with him and come from tactics I implemented myself to improve my attitude and confidence during matches. What is important for me is not so much the phrase in itself but the attitude I use it with, which brings a wave of positivity and confidence.

Grip Hold Training Programme 2: More Coordination and Visualization

Following on the steps and success of the first grip hold training programme which has been in place for one week (4 training days), Daniel sent a new programme that continues the work but shifts the weight to more coordination and other technical aspects (namely trigger release).

Fix Grip Holding Pistol Training Programme

Pistol training programme to fix grip holding so that I don’t use the tips of my fingers and only use the middle phalanges.

Training Programme to Debug Pistol Vertical Spread

A programme to figure out if there is an issue with the vertical spread of the pistol shot group.

In and out Mental Training for Pistol Shooting

Raising the stakes and adding more emotion and demand to training with more contracts.

Cardiac Coherence Exercise for Shooters

The objective of doing cardiac coherence exercises is to reduce heart rate variability in order to relax, reduce anxiety, concentrate better, and to give more clarity to your brain. Sounds like something that can be useful during a match?