Yes, you read right. I’ve decided to take a year off to dedicate myself fully to pistol shooting: to train and compete more, and to produce more useful resources to pistol shooters around the world. And you can help!

Not long after I started shooting pistol and discovered my love for it, I started getting a nagging voice telling me that I was wasting a unique opportunity to get far in a sport and that with my age I would not have any more; and also that I was not sharing as much as I would like to in order to help other shooters because I could not dedicate much time to the Olympic Pistol blog.
So I got tired of that little voice and decided to take action, to take a sabbatical year and dedicate it to see how far can I get in this wonderful sport and to help more pistol shooters advance in their craft.
But I cannot do this alone. I need your help so that I can help you.
This commitment comes at a cost: coaching, travel, lodging, equipment, books, opportunity costs… You can help me by becoming a supporter on Patreon.
Every dollar counts and I’m grateful to everyone that chips in to support this endeavor. Starting at $1 per month you can help propel Olympic Pistol, myself, and all the pistol shooters that will learn and improve thanks to the new content created.
Depending on your choice of tier you could get:
- A complimentary PDF of the Target Shooting Journal.
- My daily journal entries, with the training programs I’m working with and that I’m paying trainers to get, and with my competition evaluations.
- Access to exclusive posts in the Olympic Pistol blog only available to patrons and early access to longer posts I’m working on.
- Access to at least one monthly call for Q&A, debriefs, training discussion.
- Access to a private messaging channel on Discord where we can talk shop and help each other out.
- And other benefits I’m still coming up with thanks to your feedback…
If you appreciate the effort I make in sharing what I discover and learn via this blog and the Olympic Pistol social media, please check out my Patreon page and become a supporter.
If you want to help me become the best shooter I can be, please become a supporter.
What will I use the money for?
I already have an olympic level coach (actually two, Daniel and Aurore Goberville), who are located just 280 km away from me. By becoming a supporter you can get access to the training programs they give me. I spend hundreds of euros per month on this, take advantage of the opportunity!
We have started working and decided on a preliminary schedule of about 5h training per weekday in two sessions (physical, technical and psychological preparation); plus two or three competitions per month on the weekends (please send me the info of open competitions you love so that I can go!).
On top of the expenses related to coaching , I will have to spend a lot on travel and accomodation for international competitions, plus buy some equipment and ammo (I need a backup pistol not to have any more scares with malfunctions before competitions like I’ve had, and I would like to get a five shot air pistol to train), and other miscellaneous expenses that add up.
Your support helps free my working time so that I can focus on training and creating helpful content to share with you.
I’m really glad 1) to see this and 2) be able to support you!
Thanks a lot Eric!