2018 has been an interesting year where I’ve improved a lot the basics of precision pistol shooting. My shooting routine, grip, hold, stance, and trigger have improved but this has not translated in the scores I thought I should have in competition.
That’s where the problem lays, in the should. Because I thought I should already be consistently shooting above 550 with all the training I’ve done since I started shooting less than two years ago I have had way too many disappointments and this has had an impact in my joy of training and competing.
I love training and competing (mostly with my air pistol). I’ve still enjoyed them but many days I’ve endured and ended with bad feelings, which has had an impact in my self image too.
Noticing this has been very helpful though. I’ve managed to get rid of it… mostly. It is impossible to be shooting competitively (mostly against yourself) and not care at all about scores, but I’m now dismissing it and focusing more on the joy and the general process.
Going from enjoyment back to joy is a great improvement: I want to train more and I’m looking forward to competitions more eagerly. I’m also enjoying training a lot more and you will see me many times sporting a smile whenever I think about how much I love it.