Daring Trigger Training Plan

Daring to execute your trigger release the way it should be and forgetting about tens is a monumental issue for pistol shooters. To work on this, coach Philippe Stiel sent me this training plan for a moment where I was very hesitant and felt like my trigger finger was woodifying. Courage is needed, progress is not attained without audacity.

Notes From Three Days in Person Pistol Training With Santiago Gómez Salgado

important meeting for me, as it was my first ever in person training with a real pistol coach and not just with pals at the range. These are the notes I took during training.

10m Air Pistol General Training Plan

I’ve already shared the first 10m air pistol plan I received from Santiago López Salgado, the first pistol coach I managed to get a hold of. I’m going to share all of the training plans that I got from him here, and I think that these notes he sent me can help you understand…

Experimenting Towards a New Pistol Training Plan

The last couple weeks have seen some experimenting with different exercises to prepare my next training plan, building on what I’ve learned from the previous one to improve my trigger release (execution and decisiveness). I’m also incorporating my new This is how I hit great tens sequence. These are…

Timing and Quality of Trigger Release (Pistol Training Program)

This week I’m starting a new training program focused on the timing and quality of the trigger release. The dartboard exercises are tweaked but staying: my shoulder, hold and grip have improved with the increased physical demand…

Shoulder Lock & Non Event Trigger Release (Pistol Training Program)

This week’s training focus is on shoulder lock and making the release of the shot a non event, to keep the focus and the tension at the same levels after the shot is release.

To work on this I have tweaked…

Plus Half Training Load (Pistol Training Plan)

A pistol training program building on the first one and increasing the load of training to 1h30′, with the inclusion of challenges to spice up competitiveness.

SCATT Database: Upload, Visualize, Analyze, Compare and Share SCATT files

Some time ago I stumbled into the launch of a website to upload, visualize, analyze, compare and share SCATT files… and I loved it. The site displays the information in a helpful and easy to grasp way, and the wheel of the mouse zooms easily on the different parts of the interactive online file viewer. …

Listen to the Impact (Trigger Pistol Training Programme)

After my new personal best last week, Daniel Goberville has sent a new programme with a twist in the visualization drill to help me improve the last milliseconds of trigger release. This is done by…