If you are here you are probably a bit like me: a bullseye enthusiast that is trying to improve his/her marksmanship skills.
I’m a new addict to precision shooting, and I can’t get enough. From the first days of just shooting competition after competition and expecting to get better, I’ve come to the point where I want to train to really get much better and faster.
Shooting ranges are full of great people that offer a lot of tips, but depending on your location it can be really hard to find somebody to train you. I live in Belgium but had to get a trainer in Spain because I could not get anybody here (I even contacted the national federation), but working long distance was not as good as expected. I’m still on the lookout for a trainner if possible in Brussels, or at least not too far away.
There are some good resources on the Internet, but they are hard to find, filter and coordinate to make a shooting training program.
As I’ve already done a lot of research, I think that the best way to help others is to share the best of what I find and figure out in the olympic pistol blog. There will be content coming directly from books and sites, from my own experience, and also from trainers and experienced shooters.
If you want to contribute, participate in the post’s discussions or send a message via twitter @olympicpistol.
May your arm be steady and strong!